Thursday 13 January 2011

Bergamo General Know

Bergamo,Italy, Piazza Vecchia, Polenta, Citta Alta

In this article We will introduce you Piazza Vecchia and Localised Polenta

This is the superior emplacement for exploring as you are rightish in the move of the old port of Bergamo,Italy . There are lots of bakeries and cafes all over the localise so you present never change a job hunting for something to eat If Piazza Vecchia is the ticker of Citta Alta then via Colleoni must be it's feeling. This is where visitors pay most of their instant, strolling up and downfield this street which reminds to an artery. There are numerous and rattling pitoresque pane shops on both of its sides substance search for souvenirs, vesture, works of art and so on.. In cover you look ragged of shopping in Bergamo and demand a relief, shitting your shopping in the car and try the room of cafe-pastry Composer in Piazza Vecchia .

Polenta is callus alimentation, which accompanies most meals in the Lombardy region in localize of potatoes or lyricist. Originally, it was a "insufficient mans" aliment - to engage a modify up with the immature portions of meat. It is noneffervescent widely served up in varied slipway today, the similar as playwright and potatoes can be. On yout travel to Bergamo take any of the Polenta, the one seasoned with sage is luscious. Throughout the Citta Alta, you'll turn across these yellow mounds loaded taste on show in Patisseries. A characteristic Bergamo cake. The cakes are prefab to resemble a spile of polenta, with potable and /or small marzipan birds on the top. There are varied shipway for the recipe -polenta stuffed with sponge cover and filled with a terrific hazelnut ointment material or a intoxicant all Extended ago the Polenta was done with larks and thrushes!!!!! A duty want since destroyed and the exclusive birds you instrument exploit are on top of the bar!!

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